December 04, 2009

Afganinstan Now Obama's War

In the wake of President Obama’s announced increase of 30,000 US troops in Afghanistan I want to share an article forwarded to me by a friend. Out of everything I’ve read and watched over the past two days this was the most insightful analysis of Obama’s decision. I was a bit apprehensive at first due to the writer’s glowing approval of Obama but his praise was tempered within a pragmatic and historical assessment of South Asian, or South Central Asian, security and politics. The only questions this leaves me is understanding whether Pakistan is fighting or supporting the Taliban and if a schism exists between the Pakistani government and the ISI?


Obama rings the curtain on Pax Americana


By M K Bhadrakumar


United States President Barack Obama scored a convincing "A" in the tortuous test that he was put to on the structuring of a new Afghan strategy.


It turned out to be a tough learning process and it bears testimony to Obama's extraordinary intellect and character that he grasped the essence of the problem, honestly assessed what went wrong, had the clarity of mind not to be distracted and showed the sincerity of purpose to adopt a whole new approach.


He threw out of the window altogether the entire baggage of "regional initiatives", international conferences and "grand bargains" and zeroed in on the heart of the matter, namely, that the Afghan people are starting to view the Americans as occupiers and it is time to consider an exit strategy.


Nowhere does it become clearer than in his readiness to attribute centrality in his strategy to the government led by President Hamid Karzai. The US is unceremoniously putting behind it the bitter harvest of the Afghan presidential election and is finally getting down to work with Karzai, now at the beginning of a second five-year term. This is as much a choice as a necessity.


With all the imperfections of the situation, Karzai heads a "government that is consistent with Afghanistan's laws and constitution" - as Obama admitted - and that's all that matters anymore.


Obama's new strategy emphasizes the strengthening of Karzai's government as quickly as possible. It acknowledges that only Afghans themselves can solve their problem. Hopefully, the campaign to debunk and discredit Karzai will now come to a halt.


Obama will do well to check not only some of his impetuous fellow Americans but also his British allies, who still seem to harbor an itch now and then to put down Karzai.


British Prime Minister Gordon Brown told the House of Commons that he was determined to hold Karzai to account. He vowed that in the next nine months, Karzai's appointment of governors of Afghanistan's 400 provinces and districts would be entirely on "merit". This is precisely the kind of bluster that must be avoided.


On the difficult road ahead, Karzai's coalition partners are going to be useful associates for the US (and British) troops. Everything in the Hindu Kush has worked from time immemorial on the basis of trust and loyalty and kinships. All that claptrap about merit, etc falls by the wayside. That's how Afghanistan lives, and will live for the foreseeable future.


Obama in his entire speech never once decried "warlordism". Indeed, Afghanistan needs to be viewed in its cultural and historical context.


The US strategy implicitly assigns a major role for the so-called "warlords" for stabilizing Afghanistan. There simply is no alternative when US forces do not intend to maintain peace beyond weakening the current Taliban-led insurgency.


It is an open secret that the Afghan National Army (ANA) suffers from many infirmities, and US funding is needed for a massive expansion of the ANA, which is not going to be easy. The additional cost of the deployment of 30,000 additional US troops is high - US$30 billion to $40 billion per year in extra spending. The budget estimate for 2010 already stood at $65 billion for Afghanistan (outstripping $61 billion for Iraq).


However, the most profound part of the new Obama strategy is that it signals a conclusive farewell to the neo-conservative agenda for US foreign policy. As Obama put it, the nation-building project in Afghanistan "sets goals that are beyond what can be achieved at a reasonable cost, and what we need to achieve to secure our interests". He was brutally frank in admitting that America "can't simply afford to ignore the price of these wars".


More important, he stressed that it was time the US turned away from wars and instead tried to "rebuild our strength here at home ... That's why our troop commitment in Afghanistan cannot be open-ended - because the nation that I'm most interested in building is our own ... We'll have to use diplomacy, because no one nation can meet the challenges of an interconnected world acting alone."


Amid the cacophony over the Afghan strategy, we should not fail to note that the age of Obama has truly begun. On Tuesday, the president formally brought the curtain down on Pax Americana. The global implications will be far-reaching - be it for Iran, North Korea or Venezuela - as Obama underscored with extraordinary frankness that America had forgotten to "appreciate the connection between our national security and our economy ... So we can't simply afford to ignore the price of these wars."


Obama's new approach on Afghanistan jettisons the counter-insurgency strategy in favor of a forceful counter-terrorism strategy. No "nation-building", no clarion calls of freedom, progress, democracy, and so forth. The objective of the remaining portion of the war will be extremely narrow: to degrade the Taliban and al-Qaeda in the shortest possible time within the coming 18 months or so and to restore advantage to the hands of the Afghan government, which in turn enables a US pullout on the pattern of Iraq within a definable timeline.


The unfolding Afghan scenario bears a striking resemblance to the second half of the 1980s, when it became clear that the Soviet army would withdraw. President Mohammad Najibullah surprised everyone - including Moscow - that he was capable of initiating a national reconciliation program under his own steam, and, more important, of holding his ground even without the Soviet army. He ran into trouble only when the Soviets cold-shouldered him altogether.


The famous Jalalabad offensive planned by Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) with the combined strength of all the mujahideen groups, including Northern Alliance leader, Ahmad Shah Massoud, still couldn't defeat Najibullah. With a bit more help from the international community, Najibullah would have proved more than a match for the mujahideen and the jihadis and their foreign masters put together. Correct lessons need to be learnt from history.


The US agenda should be to transform the war to its pre-2001 form as quickly as possible, namely, a civil war stemming from a fratricidal strife. The international community should incrementally confine itself to dealing with the established Afghan government in Kabul.


Obama didn't quite reveal his mind on a political settlement in Afghanistan. Perhaps, it was beyond the scope of his Tuesday speech. All the same, he didn't entirely leave the subject untouched.


In carefully chosen words, he said, "We have no interest in occupying your country. We will support efforts by the Afghan government to open the door to those Taliban who abandon violence and respect the human rights of their fellow citizens."


There is no doubt whatsoever that enduring peace is possible only if there is an inclusive settlement that includes the Taliban. But, here again, the current approach to engage the Taliban via the good offices of the Saudi or Pakistani intelligence is extremely short-sighted and dangerous. The fact remains that while the Saudis might be the US's allies, they also happen to have their own Wahhabist agenda toward Afghanistan and Central Asia.


Therefore, Obama should allow Afghan reconciliation to come out of an intra-Afghan initiative. The US must be gracious enough to give up the center stage. The Afghans have their traditional methods of dialogue and reconciliation. Karzai must spearhead the reconciliation process. Instead of sniping at his idea of a loya jirga (grand council), its potential should be explored.


Broadly speaking, the attempt should be to "liberate" the Taliban from the Pakistani clutches. In the ultimate analysis, the "Afghan-ness" of the Taliban is bound to surface if it is provided the opportunity. It is precisely this "Afghan-ness" that Pakistan fears most. The Pakistani strategy has been to develop a mystique about the Taliban and to keep it fragmented so that it remains under the ISI's control.


Only Afghan groups can break this syndrome. The battlelines in Afghanistan have never been clear-cut. Karzai has allies who can reach out to the Taliban. They know who the Taliban are, where they are and who is worth talking to. They must be given a free hand. They don't need the guidance of British, Saudi or Pakistani intelligence to make out the identity of their countrymen.


However, all said, the success of any Afghan strategy crucially depends on the US's capacity to compel Pakistan from supporting militant groups. Obama made not less than 22 references to Pakistan in his speech. But he needs to forthrightly address the issue of forcing elements in Pakistan to give up terrorism.


He exuded optimism that there was a genuine change of heart on the part of Pakistan. Time will show whether this optimism is warranted, especially as the time approaches for the US troop withdrawal.


Inevitably, regional equations come into the reckoning. India and Pakistan must be firmly dissuaded from turning Afghanistan into an arena of rivalry. But this is easier said than done as Kabul traditionally viewed Delhi as a counterweight to Islamabad; Delhi viewed Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan; and Pakistan sought strategic depth vis-a-vis India.


The vicious cycle needs to be broken and any effort in this direction must include addressing the root causes of the Afghanistan-Pakistan antipathy. Obama has the moral authority to take such an historic initiative.


This is not a matter of Karzai's political personality or those of the warlords who are his partners. It must be remembered that even the Taliban regime in Kabul failed to recognize the Durand Line that divides Afghanistan and Pakistan, no matter its critical dependence on Pakistani goodwill.


Secondly, the US has de facto become a party to the India-Pakistan relationship, especially during the past decade since its mediation in the brief Kargil war in 1999, which Delhi sought despite its professed aversion towards "third-party mediation" in India-Pakistan disputes.


Without doubt, the dynamics of the US-India strategic partnership will be keenly watched by Islamabad. The Obama administration has done well to "demilitarize" the US-India strategic partnership. That process must not only continue, but should be hastened and India will get used to it.


There is plenty of scope to advance the US-India strategic partnership without causing apprehensions in the Pakistani mind or upsetting the delicate strategic balance in the region. What South Asia needs is not more hubris but less and less of it, and security and stability.


The present log jam in India-Pakistan relations is dangerous. By offering a substantial, long-term partnership to Pakistan, and by offering a more balanced and forward-looking relationship to both India and Pakistan, Obama hopes to alleviate the threat perceptions in the Pakistani mind.


Without doubt, unless Pakistan's threat perceptions of a "hegemonistic" India are squarely addressed, Islamabad will continue to resort to asymmetrical warfare.


Actually, Obama's score could have been "A+". But his Afghan strategy does not seem to factor in one possibility that borders on probability. Will Obama's emphasis on an exit strategy have the unexpected result of encouraging Pakistan's military to estimate that all that is needed is to counsel the Taliban to lie low during the forthcoming buildup of US troops and simply wait until the troops go home?


That is to say, there is always the risk that Obama may end up emboldening the very forces he hopes to defeat. The bottom line, therefore, is Washington's commitment to stability in the region for years to come.


Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service. His assignments included the Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kuwait and Turkey.

November 26, 2009

A Strong Rough Cut

It was my junior year of college, back in the Spring of ‘97 when I made a last ditch effort to save myself and traveled back to my elementary school, P.S. 44 on Staten Island to make a short documentary about the school’s Principal Albert F. Quinn. I had become very depressed that year after my daughter's mother left me for what I thought was a friend. She and I had lived together with our daughter the previous year. Those were dark days for me. I thus developed a taste for Vodka and bong hits, my work and grades slipped, and I was very close to falling below the C average I needed to keep my scholarship.  But the depression wasn’t so much about losing a girlfriend but that she took the baby with her. She left me the cat.


Public School 44 is in Mariner's Harbor, the neighborhood where I grew up until I was 13 years old. The school was two blocks away from the projects and most of us walked to school except for the kids who lived in the "white" projects on Continental Avenue. The "white" projects are in fact made of white bricks but it was also a fact mostly white folks lived in those buildings. Mr. Quinn was the Principal of the school then and by the time I made my returned he had amassed 20 years on the job. He was a Navy man that, as a Principal ruled the school with an iron fist. With the G.I. Bill he studied at Columbia and taught math at Curtis High School one year before becoming Principal of 44. Our very own Frank McCourt. – One day I took a swing at Mr. Quinn in the auditorium, one of those Mike Tyson’s Punch Out type leaping upper cuts, I must have been only 10 years old, he towered over me with his big round, silver topped Irish head, and when I missed he dragged me kicking and cursing all the way to his office on the second floor with my arm in a chicken wing. Good times.


When I visited Mr. Quinn to film the doc he revealed something to me in an interview. He had very much a “tough love” style and he said when reflecting on us rugged kids from The Harbor as potentially becoming “either a major general or a general nuisance.” His mission was to influence the former. When I rolled out on my last mag of film, off camera he pulled me close, wrapped his arm around my shoulders and whispered to me, “Thank you for being who you are.” I didn’t know exactly what he meant by that. I wasn’t even sure what I was really, but his words meant a lot to me. He was the closest thing I ever had to a father aside from my Uncle Charlie. Mr. Quinn’s words of thanks let me know I was at least becoming the man I should be. Those were the last words I can ever remember him saying.


I shot the doc with the help of my friend Kelly Riley and although I didn't finish the film in time for the junior show my professor John Terry gave me a much-needed B+ after screening a strong rough cut. Thanks Kelley and thanks John.


On this Thanksgiving Day we think back into our minds to remember those nouns we’re thankful for. Spending this holiday in Afghanistan I can’t help thinking how problematic the memory can be when it comes to war. My own mother was diagnosed with PTSD simply because of growing up on the same island as me, and a few of my other relatives have also been diagnosed with mental illness. I’m thankful today that I’ve been able to avoid the psychologist since I was 17 as not to be diagnosed with something myself.


Considering this national holiday and my current geopolitical position, I thank all those who fought to preserve my liberties, even when I didn’t ask, and those who wrestled with history and philosophy giving us reasons to fight. I give thanks to those who struggled and battled with the people and government of my own country to ensure I didn’t get lynched for procreating with a white woman. I'm thankful to know I have a wonderful daughter. Lastly I wish to thank American military service members who unconditionally fight for us, either sacrificing their lives, their families, their careers and financial gain, their youth, or sometimes their sanity; sometimes all these things.


Thank you for being good Soldiers and Marines.

Thank you for being good Sailors and Airmen.

Thank you for being who you are. 

November 16, 2009

Rummy Cake

A friend of mine back home posted a comment on Facebook mentioning that administration officials in Washington were cited two days ago in The New York Times projecting that it would cost US taxpayers at least $1 million per soldier to provide General McChrystal his requested 40,000 additional troops. The Facebook comment was about the ugliness of putting a price tag on the lives of American troops and whether the statement encourages The Taliban and Al Qaeda to put an equal bounty on their heads. That got me thinking.

Last week when Gordon Brown called Jacqui Janes - the mother of a British soldier that died in Afghanistan - Jacqui was quoted saying to the Prime Minister "Many, many years ago, in 18-something, somebody said the biggest enemy of our army was our Treasury... They were so right." The problem for Brown is he didn't start these wars. Obama is in the same exact position. Back in the 1980's Saddam Hussein bankrupted Iraq attempted to invade Iran for 8 years. War of choice... '03 was exactly that. So now Brown and Obama are stuck with a job unfinished here in Afghanistan; a war perhaps inescapably under-resourced due to fatigue, greater commitments in Iraq, and the Global Economic Crisis. Believe me, I would love to have a few more brothers and sisters in uniform taking care of business out here. One million dollars per... not a tactful statement... insensitive even, but the fact of the matter is these twin wars, Iraq and Afghanistan cost money. Will sending in more troops win the war here? Will that be the cure to the corruption that plagues Afghanistan and hinders the effectiveness of security operations and aid programs? No matter what the financial or human costs?

We as a nation fight to protect our freedom, liberties and lifestyles at home and abroad although most of us aren't willing to sacrifice those values in order to preserve them. Our soldiers and their families most certainly do. We now know The Pentagon initially ran this puppy on the cheap and unfortunately the shower of flowers in the streets of Iraq (that we never got) isn't paying down the national debt, medicare and social security right now. It takes more than the exchange of blood and sweat, and hearts and minds... it takes money to pay for a war, let alone two, and generating cash is like picking cotton: it's not easy! 

Most of us can begin to imagine the challenges our service members face during and after deployment and I'm sure most of us are experiencing the pains of this Great Recession, but I'm not so sure everyone has paid their financial dues to preserve this union of ours. Do you think there are a million people in the US who can afford to forfeit $40,000 to the war effort? Or do you think we could find 40,000 Americans that can afford to forfeit $1M to the war effort? Which reminds me... I have four more months until my next bonus.